Menopause Symptoms

How Pure Joy’s Skin & Hair Soothes Symptoms.

Step into a world of Pure Joy – a tailored blend of functional mushrooms designed to bring relief and radiance to menopausal women. Are you navigating the changes? Let Pure Joy be your holistic companion, offering a simple yet powerful embrace to ease the journey and bring a touch of bliss to your everyday. Discover the benefits crafted just for you – a natural source of comfort during this transformative phase. Embrace the joy; embrace Pure Joy.


  • Healthy Hair Growth

    • Reishi, with its triterpenes and beta-glucans, may contribute to promoting healthy hair growth during menopause.

  • Antioxidant Support

    • The abundance of antioxidants in reishi can assist in protecting the body and hair from environmental toxins and free radicals, which might become more relevant during menopausal changes.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Relief

    • For women with sensitive skin, the anti-inflammatory properties of reishi can help alleviate redness, swelling, and flakiness, offering relief from potential skin discomfort.

  • Hormonal Balance:

    • Acting as a natural DHT blocker and inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, reishi has the potential to support hormonal balance, addressing fluctuations that may occur during menopause. This balance could contribute to healthier skin and hair.



  • Collagen Boost:

    • Tremella's ability to elevate type 1 collagen production is particularly beneficial during menopause when collagen levels may decline. This can help maintain skin firmness and mitigate signs of ageing.

  • Antioxidant Protection:

    • As effective antioxidants, tremella mushrooms offer protection against free radicals, supporting overall skin health as the body undergoes hormonal changes.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Hydration:

    • The anti-inflammatory properties of tremella and its exceptional moisturizing capability can be incredibly soothing for menopausal skin, which may be prone to dryness and inflammation.



  • Collagen Support:

    • Shiitake's richness in copper supports collagen production, addressing the natural decline that occurs during menopause. This can help preserve skin elasticity and youthfulness.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Relief:

    • Combatting inflammation, shiitake mushrooms can provide relief for menopausal women dealing with skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, or eczema.

  • Antioxidant Defense:

    • The antioxidants in shiitake play a crucial role in preventing skin cell damage caused by free radicals, offering protection during a period when the skin may be more vulnerable.

  • Brightening and Soothing:

    • Kojic acid in shiitake brightens skin tone, addressing concerns about age spots during menopause. Additionally, B complex vitamins, including B3 (niacinamide), offer a soothing effect, promoting calmness for sensitive skin.

In summary, the combined benefits of reishi, tremella, and shiitake mushrooms offer a holistic approach to skincare during menopause. These mushrooms may help address issues related to hair growth, antioxidants, inflammation, hormonal balance, collagen support, and overall skin health during this transformative phase in a woman's life.


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The Marvel of Mushrooms!